My Journey

I am a wife, a mommy, and homemaker to a beautiful family who I adore and who are my joy and passion  in life. My other interest I have really enjoyed doing is photography. Growing up I have always had an interest in photos. I loved and still love looking back at photos from my childhood. I loved how just by looking at a photo it could take me back to the actual moment. That is why I have become so interested in photography. I have always been on the other side of the camera and now love and enjoy being that photographer who is actually capturing every sweet, exciting, loving moment of each individual. I love capturing the moments and personalities of each individual that I take a photo of... in hopes that they too can have photos to look back on and share. I am excited to start my journey in the photography buisness! My hope is that I can capture your special moment so that you can also look back one day, and be taken back to "that special moment" in life. I would like to say thank you to all of those who have helped and given me advice thus far..and who continue to  help and give me advice. A special thank you to my sweet hubby who stands by my side and cheers me on endlessly...