Friday, June 29, 2012

My Neice

So a few weeks ago I was able to FINALLY take my beautiful Neices 1 year photos.Which was way over due...she turned one in March and her Mommy and I FINALLY found a free moment to correlate our schedules so I could snap a few shots of her. This little one was my very first model 1 year ago when I first started my photography...I took her new born photos. How much she has grown up since then. She is one of the happiest kids I know. She always has a cheeky grin on her face, I love it! It was a little tough trying to get her to sit still for a photoshoot...Because she is ALWAYS on the go and a little fire ball. I love her little character within her. I love you little Miss "A" you are a beauty and I am so glad I am your Auntie.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

"D" and "A" Oakland Temple Wedding

It's good to be back! I feel I havn't posted anything on my photogrphy blog in forever. What a great post to come back with... a wedding post!!!! Weddings are the best. I love to photograph weddings simply because EVERYONE is happy to have their pictures taken. Why?...Because it's such a special and exciting day!
 Now on that note...I also get VERY nervous photographing a wedding simply becasue it is such a special day..and a day you can't "re-do" if you mess up on the pictures. However, I do have to say I felt very calm with this wedding shoot. I think it helped not only because the people I photographed totally made me comfortable and showed total confidence in my ability(Which FYI helps a photograpger ALOT) but, I think what really helped calm my fears was being in the presence of the Temple. How can you not feel peaceful when you are in the presence of the Temple? So with all that said this wedding shoot was a joy to be apart of. This day was a gorgeous day in the bay area. What a beautiful couple to add to the beautiful day. My family and I have grown up with the Grooms family. What a neat family, we love them dearly. Thank You again D and A for allowing me to be apart of your special day. Hope the future holds the best for the both of you. Here are just a few pictures at the Oakland temple that I posted of the new Mr and Mrs. "S"